Tuesday, October 18, 2011

just a thought

why do people do crazy things like a while back my best friend got in to a lil jam and he got locked up so the hold time i am thinking that they had no reason to lock him up when comes to find out they really did so and this is were it gets deep before i found out what her really went to jail for he comes and tells me this crazy ass story he said yo i walking down the street and some dude pops up out of no where and starts talking shit to me so i am lol and i ask him so what your telling me guy is you beat some guys ass lol he stands up and said hell yea i wiped his ass now i am thinking my boy is alright he won his first fight  .so i left it alone we went on with our day chilling so i am talking to my to Tone and i tell him what my cole did so were are all laffin it up like this dude really naw hell naw he cant fight his way out of a paper bag so Tone is like well i guess cole grew a set of balls i am yea i guess .Well a few weeks go by and cole comes to my house and we are sitting out side him and I and my dog fashion it had to be at like ten at night or maybe later he looks at me and say yo Court i need to tell you something i am like whats up dog well said cole i really didnt go to jail for fighting some guy so i look at him so what did u  go for and why did u lie to me he said i didnt know if i told u the truth would u still be my best friend i am like cole it cant be that bad then he came out and said i tryed to rape my mom i was like what... NOW I KEEP ASKING MYSELF DO I REALLY WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THIS GUY HELP  ME OUT